Saturday, October 24, 2009

Harvest Time at EarthShare Gardens

Today was our first weekend of harvesting at EarthShare Gardens in Lafayette. EarthShare is a community supported organic garden that we just recently joined (after being on the waiting list for about a year). It was pretty cool. We showed up and were directed to a pile of produce, picked out which pile we wanted and then browsed through the stocks of fresh herbs and other vegetables that were ready to take home. Our booty consisted of:
  1. Butterut Squash
  2. Okra
  3. Some sort of Pepper Basil
  4. Habenaro peppers
  5. Lemon balm
  6. Garlic chives
  7. Green eggplant
  8. Purple eggplant
  9. Orange Mint
  10. Onion tops
So now we get to try and figure out all of the cool things we can make with this stuff. We're looking forward to many more weekends at EarthShare!


The Whiskey said...

I had no idea such a thing existed in LFT! Cool.

Wayne LaBar said...

Hey time to join our Cooking Exhibition site