Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Light and Heavy Reading

Staying up real late tonight and doing lots of reading of local newspapers about the flooding that is headed our way. I am woefully ignorant on Louisiana geography and what parts of our state are in or out of the flood zone. Found one map over at that is tough to read on my phone but will be one that I explore for sure tomorrow morning. I can't create hyperlink text via this email post but if you are interested, you can find it here.

I'm betting that the Corps of Engineers has even better information. Will be checking that out soon as well.

I am starting to read Rising Tide this evening as well. This is a book by John M. Barry that tells the story of the great Mississippi River flood of 1927. My wife has read this book and raves about it.

On the lighter side, I just started A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. If you have HBO, you're probably watching the series - most people I know who are watching it are loving it. Not an HBO subscriber myself, and I figure the books are going to be better anyways. The first few pages have already sucked me in and hooked me hard. Lots of my coworkers have read these books and have nothing but positive reviews.

Anyway, lots of light and heavy reading these days...good escapism from some of the difficult news we have in the family. If you are the praying type, or even if you are not, please keep my wife's father and whole family in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.

1 comment:

Letting Go said...

Rising Tide = great read. Your wife gave it to me after I read The Great Deluge (another must in these flooding times).

Tell Nancy and Chuck that Karen and I said hello. Hopefully we'll see you guys next week.