Monday, July 18, 2011

So little time

So much to read...

We have about 5 full book cases in one room of our house filled with books and if I had to guess there are about 40% of them that I have not read (either because my wife picked them out and I never picked them up, or because I had a desire to read one of them but it faded at the time). And I may be being aggressive in my estimation.

Reflecting on my daily patterns, carving out some time each day to read a book would be a great lifestyle change. However, I'm not going to promise myself that just yet. Right now, I'm focused on trying to get a work out in at least 3-4 days a week. A "reading habit" might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. One step at a time. Plus...given the fact that I am reading Game of Thrones (or at this point Clash of Kings), I can be at least guaranteed to fall asleep with my book at my side.

1 comment:

Letting Go said...

Winter is coming...