Monday, December 31, 2007
No Country For Old Men
Elvis Has Left the Building
Throw in Christmas, work, graduation, visiting relatives and soccer coaching and it has been a whirlwind of activity for Jozy to get used to. However, by today, I have to say that she was starting to beat my expectations and actually had moments of quiet around Elvis...and was sometimes able to sit in his presence. And then Elvis left this morning, his parents home from their Christmas vacation.
Jozy, depressed and saddened at the loss of her new friend, was immediately consoled by her first day of puppy obedience school.
Class was a trip. There were about 10 other dogs, almost every one was some sort of small toy dog that had been purchased from Texas or Mississippi and was about 1/3rd the size of Jozy. Jozy took to her role of bad girl of the class with ease, barking and freaking out until the instructor dropped two pig ears in her lap to chew on. Throw in some summer sausage and Jozy was as happy as a clam. Most of the class was spent talking and eating pig ears. No real instruction yet. However, by the end of the class Jozy was having some one on one time with another classmate, sharing summer sausage in the training ring with only occassional outbursts of aggressive play. It will be interesting to see how she does next week.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Textbook: Ronaldo Goal vs. Sunderland
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Mon chien a un os verts

Retro NASL

Monday, December 24, 2007
Tiger Art

This is a photo of the tiger statue outside of Mike the Tiger's cage. It was one of the most popular spots to get a graduation photo after or before the ceremony. So popular that we avoided the line.
Mike the Tiger

While we were on the LSU campus for graduation, we got to stop by the tiger cage and see LSU's Siberian-Bengal mascot, Mike the Tiger (the VI). Mike weighs over 300 pounds. I'm not sure how many times in my life I have seen an animal like this...he was really impressive. Here are a few Mike links:
Wikipedia page
Official Home Page
Tiger Cam
LSU letter to PETA after being asked to not replace the last Mike

Sunday, December 23, 2007
San Francisco, Chinatown 1

This photo above was taken during our recent trip to San Francisco - at the part of Chinatown that borders the area where City Lights is located. I just started working with some of the San Fran shots I took, so there will probably be a few more posted here sometime soon. The photo below is a miscellaneous street scene taken from the same walk.

Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
True Fan

Here is another photo of the same kid, just from the side.
Celebrate Your Success
Needless to say, I won't be doing this particular celebration any time soon.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Silversun Pickups - Kissing Families
SSPU Website
Player 1: Hey Andrey has a hat trick!
Player 2: A Mexican hat trick.
Coach: What does the fact that he is Mexican have anything to do with it?
Player 2: Stop being so Northern.
Pretty funny exchange. And by the way, the player with the hat trick is from Cuba.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What's At Stake
To be fair, I think their point was that this would be the first time either team would be a national champion, but still, it seemed like a silly graphic. Both Ohio State and Wake Forest played great soccer. Wake Forest ended up winning 2-1.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Green Thumb

It's been a while since we checked in on the lemons in our backyard. Since I know everyone has been wondering how they are doing, I thought I would show them off. It looks like it is just about time to pick them!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Lapira headed to MLS Combine

"Major League Soccer today announced the initial list of 54 college seniors from 33 Division I schools who have been invited to participate in the 2008 adidas MLS Player Combine. The annual player combine will be held at Lockhart Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Jan. 11-15, 2008."
On the list is Joseph Lapira, Louisiana native who went to St. Louis High School. MLSNet did a quick profile on Lapira as a top college prospect for the MLS. For some reason, he appears to be choosing to play on the Irish national team rather than the US MNT. He is eligible to do so because of his Irish mother. If you were good enough to play international soccer, would you pick to play for Ireland or the US?
Here is his Notre Dame player profile.

Unable to diagnose the issue, I took a second benadryl and had a beer. Wow. Combining those two was a bad idea. I went out to dinner with my wife and could not carry on a conversation that stayed in one single thread. Today, the swelling has gone down a little but it still feels like I am woozy from the benadryl. So I am taking it easy and getting some rest, working only occasionally. What a weird night. I wonder what bit me?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Erik Edman Goal: Spurs vs. Liverpool
Larsson Goal: Birmingham vs. Tottenham
Michael Bradley's Hat Trick vs. FC Groningen
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007
Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks
usually when things have gone this far
people tend to disappear

Another "squeaky" bites the dust. One bear down, one duck down, and we are now on a "soccer ball squeaky."
AFC Update
1. Prior to the start of the game, the league commissioner announced that due to the fact that we will be unable to complete the full playoff schedule, that the playoffs are now meaningless. Regular season records will be used to determine the champion of the league. All games in the post-season are being considered friendlies. Pretty weird right? Note: Our regular season record puts us tied for first place. We are scheduled to play that team next Sunday. Seems like it might make sense to make this a league final.
2. Things got a little out of control during the "friendly" game. It's normal for this to occur. The unfortunate incident was that the other team's fans started cheering for their players to hurt us. It got worse. The children who were watching joined in. Picture a 7 year old girl standing on the sideline yelling "Kick him in the shin!" and you'll understand what it was like.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Crouch and Special K


In my spare time this weekend I am cleaning up files from my laptop and organizing some photos. This one was photo taken from this past summer in the Lafayette airport.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
That Guy
...and then, I am headed to bed and decide to wash my hands. Clink. I drops from a towel. Sigh. Thank God I am no longer that guy. I am way too sentimental to just go out and buy a replacement. It would never be the same.
It makes you...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
David Gray - This Years Love
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Armchair Football
Looks like UEFA is spreading the same message. This commercial is much more funny then the NFL spots. I love the trip and then the PK at the end. This is classic.
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Poster
The official poster for the 2010 World Cup was just released. Start planning your trips to South Africa now!
FIFA: ""[It] is symbolic of the relationship between football and Africa, and captures a sense of excitement, awe and aspiration," Fifa said on its website. "It also reflects the positive impact that World Cup will have on Africa. Africa is the hero of the official event poster.""
Van Nistelrooy Goal, Werder Bremen vs Real Madrid 3-2
Matt Pond PA - So Much Trouble
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Regurgitating Pleather
David Beckham Goal, LA Galaxy Vs. Sydney FC
The consistency that Beckham has on his free kicks is awesome. Pure and simple. One shot, one goal.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Size 3
We have also taught her a new trick. It is called "dance." She seems to be a smart dog. Just yesterday she unlocked the back door in an attempt to escape.
Fixing a broken laptop...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Research Later (2)
Research Later
1. Eye-Fi: Wirelessly upload photos from your digital camera to your laptop, Flickr, Picasa, Snapfish, etc.
2. NYTimes 100 Notable books of 2007: Start building Christmas shopping/wish lists here.
A Blast from Wallbanger Past
Lo and behold, in the game room upstairs, I saw my first Fat Head. I promptly announced, "Look! A Wallbanger!" and was summarily corrected by the Southern Living guide who was stationed in the game room. "That's a Fat Head." I then told her all about the EPL, FSC and Wallbangers. She did not seem impressed. Oh well.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Back Home
Digitally, it was a bad weekend - my laptop's motherboard appears to be fried and my Blackberry was a pain for a day or two. It looks like the earliest Dell can make it to our house is Tuesday, so I am borrowing my wife's laptop for as much of the work day as I can.
Dog news: Jozy learned to give us her paw yesterday.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Portraits on Lake Balboa

Lake Coronado

Ladies of the House

So far so good. We had a couple of setbacks with Jozy on her first day here but since then she has been doing great. This morning she even brought in the paper (with a little encouragement). We took her to a lake yesterday - it was the first body of water she has ever seen. After attacking the small waves and getting nice and cold, she was ready to run through the woods with me chasing after her like a mad man. We went on a little jog as well, right before all of the Thanksgiving festivities started. As a result of the long day, she slept right through Thanksgiving dinner and didn't beg for Turkey once!
Yesterday was so full of turkey and exercise that the ladies of the house are now all passed out sleeping on the couch. It's tough to see her, but Jozy is in the bottom right of the photo above.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Meet the Grandparents
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Beirut - Guyamas Sonora
This version of Guyamas Sonora was recorded by La Blogotheque as a part of their Take Away Shows, which are all really awesome. The studio version obviously sounds a little different. Enjoy.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Asst Coach (me): Sure
Yellow Player: But he's like 40!
Asst Coach: I'm 32.
Yellow Player: Same thing.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Acadiana Festival of Trees

Here are three pictures I took from this past weekend's Festival of Trees in Lafayette. The gala night was awesome. Great food, beautiful setting, lots of auction items - all for a great cause.

silvery, silvery citibank lights
I'm not sure why many of you would be excited about the release of a long overdue Monthly Mix...seeing as I still have a pile of envelopes and boxes with your names on them, all filled with "...the plot that you passed." But still, here she is. And I'll head to the post office before I head out of town for Thanksgiving. I promise.
1. Bread & Water «» Ryan Bingham
2. Down Together «» The Refreshments
4. The Opposite of Hallelujah «» Jens Lekman
5. The General Specific «» Band of Horses
6. Images «» The Selmanaires
7. Livin' In the Future «» Bruce Springsteen
8. Black «»
9. The River «» Josh Ritter
10. Incredibly Drunk On Whiskey «»
11. Breakdown «» Jack Johnson
12. The Other Side «» Ryan Bingham
13. God and Money «» The Ike Reilly Assassination
14. Mistaken For Strangers «» The National
15. Cigarettes, Wedding Bands «» Band of Horses
16. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere «» Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova
17. Guyamas Sonora «»
18. Time Is A Lion «» Joe Henry
19. Blue Collar Suicide «» The Refreshments
20. I Predict A Riot «» Kaiser Chiefs
Friday, November 16, 2007
US vs South Africa Tomorrow!
Here's a video of the team putting on a clinic for some young kids who look like they could school me big time.
Big Week
It is amazing how much time and effort she puts into this event, and it all shows in how beautiful the festival is year over year. Not only that, but it keeps getting better.
Check out the commercial for this year's event. And here is a link to the website.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Jozy is doing well, she has learned how to jump on the couch, and has also learned how comfortable it is. She can be found there for a good portion of the day. Most other moments you can find her eating the brick of our fireplace, which is really bizarre. Her toy Squeaky isn't doing so hot - he just lost an arm.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Prototypes on the Ad Circuit
1. iPod Shuffle
2. BMW
There's just something I like about 1980-ish sounding French pop being made in 2007. Can you argue with that?
Re-Post: Tim Cahill - Chelsea vs Everton Goal
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tim Cahill - Chelsea vs Everton Goal
When soccer fans go too far...
Jozy and Squeaky
I am just infatuated with our new dog.
Here is a mocked up photo strip of Jozy
with her favorite toy, Squeaky.
Los Campesinos - You! Me! Dancing!

So we finally named our dog! Let me re-introduce you to Jozy (pronounced like Josie). She had an action packed weekend that all started with her first bath. As you can tell, she really enjoyed it.

1. First trip to the vet. So far, she has a clean bill of health but is a few weeks away from settling into a regular vet pattern. We are giving her some basic medicine and she is going back for shots and other fun stuff in the future.
2. First soccer game. She had a blast at the HS jamboree. So much so, that after the first 60 minutes she was collapsed on her side passed out.
3. First dog attack. Some of our friends brought their dog over on Sunday and Jozy was not very friendly. Elvis (the visiting dog) started the introduction by sniffing Jozy's face. Jozy returned the favor by trying to bite off his nose. We think that Jozy had it tough in the pound and may still be in the "fight for survival" mindset. Alternatively, she may have been protecting her brand new home. Either way, we'll have to figure this one out.
4. First crying child. She appears to be awesome with kids and plays with them really well, which is awesome. However, she is also very excited about nibbling anything she can get her paws on...which evidently includes the hair of my friend retired's daughter. Lucy was a big fan up until that point.