Saturday, March 03, 2012

New Favorites - Seared Tuna

There's a new favorite dish starting to surface at our house and the good news is that is pretty quick and easy to makes: seared tuna with a lime, pepper and thyme crust. Basically I combine lime zest, thyme, salt and pepper, coat the tuna and sear it for a total of two minutes or so. Then you throw a little fresh lime juice on it and you are golden. Tonight I opted to combine it with some clams steamed in garlic, shallots, tomato and oregano. My wife, not a fan of clams in the past might be a convert. Asparagus, raspberries and some wine and I was all set for the evening. As the lone chef, I think my wife traded well since she took on the responsibility of mowing today. That's a trade I'll make anytime.


Wayne LaBar said...

Ahh Tuna or should I say Ahi Tuna.

That said bro, I suggest you read up on the state of Tuna fisheries and our consumption. I would ask that if you are going to eat Tuna once a month is enough. We cannot sustain the rate we as humans are eating Tuna.

Unknown said...

Switching to tuna tonight. Will try rationing...but this was some good stuff...