I promise you that I will not do this story justice. About 3 minutes into the first half of our second game, I experienced one of the weirdest moments in my 20 + some odd career in soccer. A screaming insane woman came stumbling out onto the field in the middle of our game - shouting and pointing at my players and asking to see the coach. When I volunteered myself, I was

Turns out that our right fullback had decided to relieve himself in this woman's backyard. She was livid. Everyone was screaming at her (even the ref) except for one guy. He was standing on the sideline snapping pictures. In the midst of my apologies (and the player's apologies), she screams at the man and asks him who he is and what he is doing. He replies:
"I take pictures of crazy people."
Interesting, I always though proper etiquette on the soccer field was to “take a knee” if you had to go before kickoff…
I've seen my kids do that in a parking lot. I am glad they are a little bit subtle...
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