Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Great Remodel Pool: Kickoff

Hard to believe it but I think our kitchen project is almost done. I'm calling 19 days from today. Interested gamblers can enter the betting pool with a number of days and a $2 entry fee. Entries are accepted via email, blog comments or the Twitter.

The definition of "done": All installs done in the kitchen and family room. Scope creep into other rooms does not count as unfinished work.

Here's a random found photo from Arizona of my wife scientifically measuring a light for our dining room. This photo makes me laugh.


Timothy Sharlow said...

Classic measuring tool, the infallible arm length. I say 22 days, $2 to come upon next meeting.

Letting Go said...

I'm calling 20, but had I known that X was choosing 22 I would have went with the classic Price is Right strategy on $1 over...damn, I think I'm short.

Money already delivered