Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Jozy and I went out with our friends Mark and Maggie to a field today to "play" with some cattle. Jozy and Maggie both got really excited around the "strange looking big dogs," and pretty much ran around barking at them.

At some point the dogs got chased by a couple of donkeys so they got the hell out of there.

Before we left though, Jozy had a nice snack of cow manure. She subsequently vomited it all back up in my back seat.



Letting Go said...

Somewhere, in between the lines, I remember Maggie almost being stomped by a donkey, you chasing Josie and bulls, and a turf war between myself and the grandson of the owners of the cattle...not to mention first blood!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You guys are having way to much fun.

Unknown said...

I remember the blood dripping from Maggie's jaws...I woke up from a nightmare about it the other day.