Tuesday, October 09, 2007


We found the owner of the dachshund this morning and he has already come and picked him up. I'm glad that he is going back to his true home, but really, it sucked to say goodbye to our to-be-named, now lost pet.

Maybe we'll go get a puppy soon...hmm....


Anonymous said...

Crickey!! I leave for 3 days and you two have already gained and lost a pet!! Wild. I see the kitchen linoleum is still the same, so it's comforting to know not everything has changed over the weekend.

Too bad you have to return the doggie. What did his owners say his name is?

Unknown said...


Which I thought was really odd...

Anonymous said...

he did kind of remind me of Mark JR.

Letting Go said...

No way! I do not believe that! Who was his owner?

Unknown said...

I have no idea who the guy was...but he knew enough about the dog to convince me he was the rightful owner. And btw, his name wasn't deClouet :-) but I am pretty sure you knew I was kidding. In fact, I don't remember what his name was - the ugy only said it once. He will always be Messi in my mind (sniffle sniffle).

Anonymous said...

so go get a dog dude!
it was a sign from above!!