Monday, February 18, 2008

AFC Update

The co-ed soccer season opened this past Sunday and I was a little too overcome with the flu to be of much use. I wasn't necessarily needed though. We played one of the weaker teams in the league right now and walked away with a 11-0 win.

Next week we play a team that just beat the co-champs of the league 7-2 so I expect it to be a tough one. They also tried to steal our players in the off season so I want to exact vengeance upon them with significant fury.

(Co-champs is a controversial phrase to use. We technically beat the co-champs in the playoffs last year but we were told by the league that the game would not affect the standings.)


Anonymous said...

order another star!!

pele1410 said...

F*ck "co-champs". We kicked their ass in their own idiotic playoff system.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! They are so shameless! I hope you destroy them!!

Letting Go said...

Looking forward to an exciting game, and glad to hear this weekend went well.

Another star does need to be ordered.