Wednesday, February 06, 2008

US vs. Mexico

Ok. So I need to see our third goal (called back) on tape. Was that a valid call?!?!? In the stadium it was total confusion. We have no idea what the call was. And man! Was that ref completely off his rocker or was it just me?!?! I wish I had taped that game. It was awesome to be there. Loud. 4 goals. US vs. Mexico. Worth all the hype.


pele1410 said...

I think they said he was offsides. The announcers had no idea until half-time and I only caught the tail end of what they were saying. But "...forwards are never offsides, are we." is a good indication that was it.

rc said...

Offsides on the initial entry pass. The problem was the ref didn't see the flag until late, so the whistle was VERY late. It was a close offsides call, but it appeared Clint was about 1 foot offsides on the initial entry pass...Couldn't hear any whistles on TV, the announcers said it was louder than a WC game...

Letting Go said...

It was pretty damn loud!

Unknown said...

Yeah. You couldn't hear the whistle at all. I am happy to hear that it was a valid call...kind of. Classic finish. If only it had counted.

rc said...

I bet you had the same feeling that you had in Kaiserslaughtern, when the US appeared to go ahead of Italy 2-1 in the WC match...only to have it called back, and everyone in the stadium (at least the US fans) saying WTF!!!??? I couldn't wait to get home and watch the game on TV to see the call for myself...

Unknown said...

exactly what rc says. that is exactly how it felt-- except we forgot to tivo.