Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Grey's Anatomy - Season Finale

Last night, I have to confess, I dedicated 2 hours of my life to the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. I am not a huge fan of the show, simply because too many people die and have bad shit happen to them. On the flip side, I am now sucked into the characters a little bit so it is a pretty decent escape.

For those of you who watch the show:
Seriously. All of the interns should be canned. Except for George. As of right now, he appears to be the only character the writers have given the gift of maturity to. The remainder should not be practicing medicine. I found the finale a little slow at times. The drama is much better over a 1 hour period, not 2. Plus, I was a little let down by the cliff hanger. The big question is who Meredith chooses? That's like the cliff hanger every week and before every commercial break. I was hoping they would come up with something a little more creative. The music was pretty decent last night. I may try to find a couple of the sappy pop songs they play when people cry, die, or discover themselves.

For those of you who do not watch the show:
Consider yourself lucky. You probably spent 2 hours doing something a bit more productive than me last night.

For those of you who watch Lost:
Now there is a good show.


Unknown said...

I don't really like the show, but watch it sometimes and did watch all 2 hours last night (I'll use being sick and having nothing to do but lay around watching TV as an excuse for spending 2 hours on a show I really don't care much for). I really don't like any of the characters, except for George and Burke. I don't find the central character interesting or likable. That is probably the biggest issue for me, but then there are the ridiculous story lines. They make ER look believable. Not a big fan.

Unknown said...

I don't even know what 2 1/2 men is...oh well. I missed Lost tonight but my buddy "retired" has it dvr'd for me.

CHL: Sounds like you and I are on the same page on this one.

Anonymous said...

a real Lost fan would know that it comes on tonight (wed) not tonight (tues)... (this also means that you can maybe still watch it)...
just looking out for you...

Unknown said...

WUD: My only possible concluson from your periodic review of these posting and your desire to criticize this partcular piece of triviality is that you are a closet GA fan who shaves his back, plucks his eyebrows, likes to redocorate his home and is a self declared metorsexual. Did I guess right? ;-)

I will get some updates on your requested items soon. Keep reading. I'll keep bothering you.