Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Travel

Houston was hit by a major storm today. The result was that I spent a couple extra hours in Baton Rouge, a couple extra hours in Houston, a couple hours on the tarmac, totaling in a 12-13 hour travel day. If it wasn't for the weather, the travel day would have rocked. I got upgraded on both flight legs - evidently, not many other business travelers were as stupid as me and booked a bright and early Memorial Day flight. Of course, it does mean that I had to deal with fellow travelers who behave like they have never seen an airplane before. Annoying travel habit of the day: People who don't let you get out your aisle seat prior to them trying to get to their window seat.

My God. If I never have to stare at another stranger's ass trying to squeeze between me and the seat, trying to not spill my orange juice, and sticking their armpit in my nose as they grab for leverage over my head, I will be a happy man. Just let me get up next time. Trust me, it's easier.

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