Thursday, April 24, 2008


We were watching the Champions League, specifically Manchester United and it appears that my wife is coming around on being a Cristiano Ronaldo fan. I thought this was a particularly funny comment.

Wife: You know, I have to say that I am really starting to enjoy watching Ronaldo play.
Me: That's good! He's an amazing player. Not sure why you have been against him for so long.

(long pause)

Wife: It's just....
Me: Yeah?
Wife: Well, he just looks like he has a STD.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you shared that...! I'm so embarrassed...

Anonymous said...

That is funny. Good luck in Alexandria.

pele1410 said...

He might as well have an std after that horrendous PK in Barcelona.

Anonymous said...

STD = Soccer Toe Disease

Everyone knows she can't stand ugly feet. Who can?

Anonymous said...

Soccer Toe Disease Is REAL - BTW.

Anonymous said...

I don't care you your are..that there is funny....

Anonymous said...

typo on the last one...
should say..
"I don't care WHO you are...that there is funny".
( edit please)

Letting Go said...

I've always thought that.