Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Letter of Recommendation

I have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for one of the players on my youth team. Yes, this is one of the same kids featured here on Coach. What can I say?!?!?

All kidding aside, he is a great kid so I am working on the letter tonight and decided to read some general tips and tricks on writing letters of recommendation. I thought this was pretty funny:
"Avoid bland words such as: nice, good, fairly, reasonable, decent, satisfactory"

Phew. That was a close one.


Anonymous said...

Does a combination of bland words make them not so bland anymore? I think there's a loop hole there kid!

Anonymous said...

Bland words are the kiss of death. They are secret code for, "I don't really have anything good to say about this guy, but I felt like I couldn't say no when he asked for a letter of recommendation."

Letting Go said...

I believe the whiskey knows what she's talking about.

Unknown said...

Apparently the letter was a big success - just thought I would report back. No word on if he has gotten into the program, but I have received some really positive feedback on my writing skills. Cool deal. It was actually fun to write.