Overall, 55.8 percent of Americans admit to running red lights.
I find that amazing and must say that I have never run a red light. Over 50%? Holy cow. Have you ever run a red light?

- 98 percent of Americans agree that red light running is dangerous, but over half admit deliberately running red lights because they are in a hurry.
- Two in three Americans see other drivers run red lights almost every day.
- ...non-parents (65 percent) reported significantly more red light running than respondents in other categories.
- Professionals (59.7)...also rank high. Parents with children less than 20 years old (65.6) are likely to run red lights more than parents of older children (40.8).
- The poll was conducted by the Social Science Research Center at Old Dominion University and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points. It queried 880 licensed drivers ages 18 and older on behalf of the Stop Red Light Running program.
In my humble opinion, only people with guilty consciences are the ones who freak out over “big brother”. If you do not run red lights, the camera would not impact your life in any way, shape or form. You cannot have police officers on every corner, so I am all for the camera’s to stop people blowing red lights. If it saves ONE life, isn’t it all worth it? Now we need to get people in Jersey to stop talking on their cell phones while driving. It is now against the law,(as is texting while driving) and I still see 3-5 people daily talking on a cell phone. Hands free is legal, but apparently that is too much of an effort for these people.
Have I ever run a red light? Yes. I do not recall ever intentionally ignoring a red light and just going through. I have ran at least one red light when I was confused and distracted. And I have been guilty from time to time of mistiming the length of a yellow and not making it fully into the intersection before the light turns red.
I would be surprised to find anyone that has been driving awhile and never technically ran a red light.
I phrased that poorly and agree, I have probably mistimed a light and technically been in violation...I guess I am strictly thinking of intentional red light running incidents. Didn't mean to come off all righteous.
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