Monday, May 05, 2008

Badly Drawn Boy - Silent Sigh

The newest B.O.B. Monthly Mix is complete. Although my friend Mark has kindly pointed out that I am losing the privilege of calling them monthly at the current rate of production. When you factor in my slow pace at mailing out the last mix, he really does have a point...I'll have to think about that.

Anyway, here is track #2, Silent Sigh by Badly Drawn Boy from the 2002 movie About a Boy. Great film, great tune. It must of been on TBS or something this past month because I caught it one night and was reminded how much I liked the soundtrack. Thus, it lands in your browser this Monday morning. Enjoy!


Letting Go said...

I'll gladly take the heat for pushing you to create a new mix. Nice beat...looking forward to the rest!

Anonymous said...

I recognize this song from one of your earlier mixes.

Unknown said...

Yup. It probably found its way on to one a long time ago. I am impressed you remember :-)

Anonymous said...

I was just listening that that mix in my car this weekend. :)