Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Guest Player

Last night I was a guest player for the UL Lafayette Men's soccer team in a scrimmage game against a local select team. It was a random event, they needed a player and I was just wrapping up my practice. It was incredibly fun to test myself out against college kids again. I must have been doing something right because at half time the UL coach asked if I was interested in taking graduate courses.

I had to leave before the game was over but we were up 1-0 with about 30 minutes left. The one goal we scored was on a PK from a play that I set up so I am patting myself on the back for the impact. Not sure if they ended up winning or not...maybe Tyler can fill us in.


Anonymous said...

UL lost 2-1. Both goals came in the last 5 minutes.

Everyone thought Will would not be up to the speed as everyone else but he played well. Controlled the back. But you did let Brumley get a corner so maybe you didn’t play to well.

Unknown said...

will's head just got a little bigger with that match report! :)

Unknown said...

It is certainly odd...I left and UL lost. Maybe I should start looking at the course listing at UL. :-)

Anonymous said...

I hear they have a great creative writing program. . .

Letting Go said...

Will's going back to school...

Anonymous said...

He has to keep up with his wife who is becoming a local radio celebrity :)

rc said...

Will, good to hear you are still commanding the back line. Just an update, we lost the alumni game this year 2-1. This was one of the first years that the age of the NCAA group of players started to show. With that said, we had no training together, do not play regularaly, and I was proud of the way we knocked the ball around in the back, Aarnio style, and really controlled a majority of the game. They scored on counterattacks where we were caught out of position and we couldn't handle thier 19 year old speed. I will say that there is something to be said for being a veteran. Even though I have not played competitively, when put in a situation like that, the game just seems slower, like I have more time. I guess it is that poise that levels the playing field a bit. If only Andrey had that poise agaist Ithaca in the NCAA's, we would be at our computers with Championship rings on...

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear we couldn't pull it out. Andrey needs to schedule these things when I am not in coaching season although I am not sure if that is possible. I agree on the "game is slower" comment - or maybe that is just me that is slower...