Wednesday, November 29, 2006

If Christmas Offends You...

I had let this go for a while...but I need to bring it up now. I was locked out of my hotel room tonight, key wouldn't work. While I am in the hotel lobby waiting for assistance, the TV was on the Greg Beck show. Never seen it? Consider yourself lucky. It is the perfect piece of news-making muck throwing uninformed television that passes for "news" these days. Every channel has it from Fox to CNN, from conservative to liberal. So I am sitting there ringing the counter bell and the guest on the GB show says:

If Christmas offends you, just go join Al-Qaeda.

Nice. Now, to be clear, Christmas does not offend me. It's presence in Wal-Mart does not offend me. I celebrate Christmas. I am a religious person (albeit non-traditional in my beliefs). On the flip side though, if it offends you, I don't care. I certainly won't say that this qualifies you to be a terrorist though. Pretty big jump. Talk of Christmas being offensive is as offensive as penguins.

I first heard of Greg Beck because of the clip I pasted below. This is seriously funny yet disturbing at the same time. You have to watch this. It will blow your mind. It is the clip I let go of and decided to not go find and post. However, when you lock me out of my hotel room and subject me to ignorant drivel, I need to vent. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree. I find it frustrating when I get caught up in the "gifting" of Christmas rather then the family aspect of Christmas. I do catch myself though, and that is a good thing - because then I refocus on the more important things. Happy holidays.