Jozy is slowly shattering the myth that she doesn't get along with other dogs. The report from the kennel when we picked her up after regional weekend is that she gets along with the big dogs and plays with them during playtime. In fact, she "likes to show them who's boss."
Later that day, our friend Mark stopped by with his dog Maggie. Jozy and Maggie proceeded to have a blast in our backyard. This was in contrast to their last meeting, where the decision was that the next time they mey, more space was required. Looks like that was the trick!
Here are a couple more photos:
Jozy gets a little confused and thinks she is a boy. Perhaps she is imitating what the dogs in the kennel do to her...

After she mates, she usually eats her lover.

Dude, NSFW! You can't show humping on your blog!
It's all good. Blurry and cropped to a sufficient degree. The censors gave it the green light.
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