Friday, February 13, 2009


Today, despite being home for the weekend, is a massively hectic day for me. And when it starts out with someone putting 4 Splendas in my coffee, rather than just sugar, I know I may be in for a long one.


Anonymous said...

did they fix it? if not, I'll get you a free one later.

Riffle said...

I think adding Splenda to any coffee should be at least a misdemeanor - it is just criminal.

karen said...

OOOOOOOO, for coffee people that is a serious damper on your day. sorry that happened I would be livid.

Unknown said...

Dude, get over it. At least it wasn't...wait, that is pretty serious!

Unknown said...

Got it fixed. After I walked in and started yelling and throwing the display cases around in a caffeine neglected rage.