Courtesy of kottke and found on:
58% of the US adult population never reads another book after high school.
42% of college graduates never read another book.
80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year.
70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
I'm currently on a Tom Clancy kick (I haven't updated my sidebar in months) - Executive Orders. Jack Ryan stories are good brain candy.
Couldn't agree with you more that those are some scary statistics. I enjoy reading so much, I don't know how that is possible. I was the only kid I knew growing up that got in trouble for buying to many books with my paycheck.
Reading is fundamental!!!
There was an article in the AJC that speaks on this point...That our culture is all sound bite and no real depth. People have stopped reading and it's sad.
Shift if you are into Clancy I hope you started at the begining of the jack Ryan series! If not give me a buzz I think I have them all.
Ok Ashley, I must be tired. Because you use the term as if I should easily know it...What is the AJC? :-)
Retired: Unfortunately, I hopped in right in the middle of the story because I was just trying to find a book to read on the flight to Germany. Not sure I want to go back to the beginning...did you like Ender's Game?
Opps. AJC - Regional thing. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
yes it was awesome! the series is worth it!it covers the darkside of 20yrs of political history
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