Sunday, December 07, 2008

Flip Throw

For those of you who are not avid soccer fans, you may not know that there is a version of a throw in that is initiated by the player doing a back flip. The back flip provides a huge whipping motion and allows the throw-in to travel really far. Like a corner. Example:

It can be a pretty awesome weapon. Literally...


Anonymous said...

A-W-E-S-O-M-E !!!!!!

pele1410 said...

Are these still illegal in HS? They were when I played. And it's a front-flip by the way.

Unknown said...

Ooops on the back/front thing. Not sure if it is legal or not in HS. I saw a woman do it in the NCAA finals just a day or so ago though.

pele1410 said...

I've seen it done in pro leagues as well. It was only illegal in HS from what I can remember. Some ref told me it was considered showing off, therefore unsportsmanlike conduct.

Unknown said...

Wish one of the refs who reads this site would weigh in...