Monday, March 27, 2006

Less is More, Guess the Rest

Carlee (who is an avid writer by the way; she is in a writing group) declared to me today: "Your best writing is the titles." She was of course, referring to the title I put on each post.

Maybe I'll just remove everything else and write titles. Then, everyone can just post comments and guess at what I was going to say.

PS. I would be willing to bet that someone feels the need to correct my use of the semicolon in the parenthetical comment above. Have at it.


Anonymous said...

I'll do you one better. I'll correct your semicolon (should only separate two independent clauses) and I'll say that you need a period after the P in PS. P.S. stands for post script... (after the writing). Is this why you married me?

Unknown said...

I can't really speak for Will, but I'm guessing the answer is "no".

Unknown said...

Proper grammar was never high on my list of qualities when I was on the dating scene.

Unknown said...

I think "your wife" needs a blog of her own to showcase those prodigious writing skills and proper grammar. And so I could get to know a fellow Cat a bit better as well, of course.

Unknown said...

She is on the record as stating: "If LSU and George Mason make the finals, I'll start a blog."

Unknown said...

yea. total bummer.