Sunday, March 02, 2008

Alliteration Gone Wrong

I've been drinking peppermint mochas from Starbucks recently but with the upcoming St. Patrick's day holiday, they are throwing green sprinkles on it and have renamed it to a Leprechaun latte. Never mind that it is not a latte. When I pointed this out and asked for an explanation, the reason they decided on this term is that it 'leprechaun mocha' just doesn't have the right ring to it. Thus, they have decided to incorrectly name the product.


Letting Go said...

In the name of marketing...

Anonymous said...

It a very silly thing.....

Anonymous said...

They could have just invented a different product that *was* a latte and had green sprinkles and used their alliterative name for that.

rc said...

You should have stormed into that 3 hour training session last week and spoke your mind...