Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour

Google "turned out the lights" on their home page to bring awareness to everyone about Earth Hour. From 8-9 PM local time, people around the world will be turning off their lights in recognition of energy conservation.
"Earth Hour was created by WWF in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city to a global movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour. More than 100 cities across North America will participate, including the US flagships–Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix and San Francisco and Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver."
Here is a relatively cheesy video about it, but it gives you some background on the event in case you are interested and don't feel like reading. It's a good cause, join in from 8-9 PM local time.


Letting Go said...

I'm sold! Pretty cool campaign. Hard to believe Jeremy Pivan is narrating this.

The character Ari Gold of Entourage mixing it up with saving the planet...not a good mix.

Anonymous said...

how many robberies were reported in this hour????

Anonymous said...

wow Ed. that was my first thought too!! Glad to know there is a fellow cynic on the board.