Monday, March 10, 2008

Set Play

When it comes to set plays, I am not the most creative of coaches. However, I just think I found the next one I will teach. Watch carefully. This is pretty damn funny.

Via Who Ate all the Pies


Letting Go said...

We should use that Thursday night. We'll go over it before the game!

Anonymous said...

that's kinda cool....

rc said...

Why not use all 10 field players and put guys in motion like it's the NFL while you are at it...

Anonymous said...

We had a play like that when I played lacrosse in high school. We called it "stack em and split." It worked really, really well.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking about 6 guys or kids would love it. Of course, they may fall over laughing as they do it in the game, but that just makes it even more fun.

Anonymous said...

Now that I think about it, "Stack 'em and Split" was a little different. It might work well for an indirect kick in soccer. Several of us would stack (i.e., line up in a single file) and when the ref blew the whistle, we split (i.e., we each scattered to a predecided position on the field). The person with the ball passed it off to one of the predetermined spaces on the field, and we were all ready to receive it.

When we were all bunched up in the middle of the field, only one or two defenders covered us, and there was no way they could all follow each of us when we sprinted in opposite directions. So several players were left unmarked.

So now you have two set plays to try with your boys. "Stack em and split" and (what should we call this one you posted here?) "Swarm to Score"

Unknown said...

I love it.

I am expecting to see this set play this weekend...