Monday, March 10, 2008


(One of my players this past weekend has a nagging hip or groin injury. We are not sure which. So we called the trainer over and he helped stretch the area and showed our player how to do so on his own. In the next game, the following exchange occurred.)

Coach: You ok? Why did you ask to come out?
Player: It hurts, I can't sprint and I don't want to cause a goal.
Coach: Ok. Relax on the sideline. Do the stretch that the trainer showed you.
Player: It doesn't help.
Coach: I asked you if it helped when he showed you the stretch. You said it felt great.
Player: I was just saying it. I didn't want him to feel like an idiot.


Letting Go said...

I'm betting that it was the kid with the neck-band.

rc said...

You have to give him credit, he was worried about the feelings of a complete stranger...tear...sniff, sniff...

Unknown said...

...and the unspoke statement is that he should have told the trainer that it wasn't helping. Who knows, perhaps he would have gotten a different stretch or different help. Sigh.