Monday, January 14, 2008

Krewe of Carnivale en Rio Mardi Gras Ball

We went to the Krewe of Carnivale en Rio Mardi Gras ball this past weekend. It was a blast. ... and I think I had a little too much to drink but I am not sure because I can't remember. I also took a ton of photos and am busy using this as an opportunity to play with iPhoto for a bit. I should have a full set and slideshow uploaded pretty soon. In the meantime, here is a sampling of what Mardi Gras balls are like in Lafayette. For this Jersey kid, it is one crazy scene.


pele1410 said...

You think the Rio is a crazy ball, try going to the Apollo ball.

Anonymous said...

Who got you into the Rio ball? Vanessa?

I agree with Pele-- the Apollo ball makes everything else look VERY tame.

Unknown said...

I'm not cool enough to score an invite to Apollo just yet. Vanessa was our "in" for the Rio ball.

Anonymous said...

Tell Carlee she is going to the wrong hairstylist.

Anonymous said...

. . . cause that's how everyone I know gets tickets to the Apollo ball.