Thursday, January 17, 2008

US MNT Training Session

This is a cool video to watch as a coach. It is a high level walk through of a recent training day for the US MNT.

I always take something away from watching these types of things. There is so much for me to learn when it comes to coaching soccer and I would love to spend more time on improving my abilities.


pele1410 said...

Good video, I liked the opening drill with 3 grids. From your last two posts I see you've realized this, but for your readers who may not know; US MNT has it's own website on youtube.

Letting Go said...

Definitely a cool site. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Great video! I really like the full field possession with the target player.

Unknown said...

Yeah. These videos are always cool. If you haven't been watching the US soccer channel on youtube, it is definitely worth a stroll through the archives.