Sunday, January 14, 2007

Make a Lazy Day

Having a lazy day today to make up for all of the gutter cleaning, raking, bamboo cutting, frisbee golf playing activities that occurred yesterday. A lazy day is comprised of:
  • Watching Liverpool vs. Blackburn
  • Planning on watching two football games (halfway through game 1 at the moment)
  • Surfing the internet
  • Volunteering for a local music festival (just filling out the form, not doing any work yet)
  • Talking about grocery shopping.
Above is a cool photo found on Flickr but really found initially by me via a random blog I visit called Gazpachot. I like Gazpachot because I find a lot of intriguing visual candy there. There is a lot of print on the blog as well but sometimes my attention span doesn't make it all the way through the posts. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

poor thing - didn't you have any help with gutter cleaning, raking, bamboo cutting, frisbee golf playing activities ??????

Unknown said...

Of course I had help! My wife's parents were in town and they actually helped a lot _and_ did a whole bunch of other things that I didn't even take credit for (like pulling up Monkey Grass). Her parents are wonderful! :-)